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In an attempt to find the right balance between rewarding donations and keeping the server economy healthy, we came up with a perks system. We do not want to reward items as this has a negative impact on the economy and also goes against what we stand for and what we are trying to achieve with the server gameplay. As a result an extensive perk system has been set up, which information can be found here.



How does it work?

When you have reached the donation amount required you may choose a perk that fits the amount donated. Donations are currently handled manually thus you are required to make a donation topic with proof and requested perk (see donation section). A moderator will help you and gift you the perk(s). From then on you will always have the perk and it will by no means taken from you. Do note that perks might be subject to change in case of server balancing.



Donator Status

Donator status allows access to ::dz and a few more features. Donator status is not bought but awarded after donating a certain amount. A total of $10 in donations grants the donator rank. A total of $25 grants donator+ rank.

The Perks


Banker - $15 - Bank almost anywhere in the world using ::bank.
Aura Master - $15 - Infinite aura time and no cooldowns.
Coin Master - $3 - Automatically pick up coin drops (goes to your moneypouch).
Imp Master - $5 - Charming imp functionality. Access configuration dialogue by using ::impmaster.
Yeller - $5 - Get the power to change your yell title, color and shading.
Slayer Master - $5 - Double slayer points reward & free task reset.
Wood Master - $3 - Increase bonfire bonus by 25% & 25% faster woodcutting.
Metal Master - $3 - 25% faster mining & half coal needed for smithing.
Dungeon Lord - $3 - 5% increase on XP and tokens. (seems like a small amount but it is a lot).
Artisan - $3 - 33% faster crafting & no thread needed for leatherworking.
Addict - $10 -
All potion effects have their timers doubled.
Priest - $7 - 25% less prayer drain & 1 more point per tick from prayer renewals.
Fisherman - $3 - 25% chance for double catch & no bait requirement.
Summoner - $4 - Double duration on familiars.
Agile Body - $7 - Infinite run & 25% more xp for agility.
Sneaky - $2 - Reduces the cooldown for prif thieving from 10 minutes to 2.
Farmer - $2 - Reduces growth time by 50%.
Chef - $3 - Never burn fish while cooking your precious foods.
Home Sweet Home - $7 - Restores your health and prayer to full upon using ::home or ::dz.
Ava's Assistant - $5 - Passive ava's accumulator effect (automatic pickup of ammo).


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